Wholesale Incident Information

Unbestätigte Störung von der Kundenfront: Zugang zum IPBB Netz in den Regionen Sulgen, Bischofszell, Rickenbach (Wil) teilweise gestört

Start:11/29/2023 10:30 AM
Assumed duration of disturbance:12/4/2023 4:00 PM

This service is affected:

ServiceImpact Description

Description/ current status:
Access to the IP Broadband network (IPBB) is partially interrupted.

Regionen in Bischofszell, Sulgen und Rickenbach (Wil)

Technical details:
The exact cause of the fault is not yet known.

Remedy initiated The specialists are pursuing various possible solutions. The supplier was involved in the troubleshooting process. Analysis and monitoring are being continued.